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Version: 4.2
  1. Log in to supOS, and then click at the upper-right corner to go to the design center.
  2. Select APP Management > Business Designer, and then click .
  3. Enter information of the application, and then click OK.
  1. Hover over the application you just created, and then click Edit Page.
Basic InformationBasic information of the current application.
Object Model ManagementObject models inside the current application.

When calling object attributes or services of the application, make sure you define the correct namesapce (app name).

Interface DesignSpecific pages of the application.
Component DesignCUstom components that you design for future use.
Workflow ManagementTogether with created pages, company staff information and custom script to form complete workflows.
Static Resource ManagementMedia resources collected from app pages and external upload. You can copy the resource URL to use.
Data Query ManagementPerform CRUD operations to data added from Competence Center > Storage Resources > Resources Management.
Recycle BinDeleted pages. You can recover or delete them completely.